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On today's THE RALPH REPORT : Today's ONE-HIT WONDER WEDNESDAY is a real bitch! Jay Busbee from Yahoo Sports talks NASCAR! Steve Ashton with his UK UPDATE! And, more sightings of CELEBRITIES IN THE WILD! 


Susan in Sweden

Pickled herring is amazing! I love the mustard one too but there are so many different ones you can get in Sweden. You don't eat it on its own. You can either put it on some crisp bread (like Wasa) or serve with boiled new potatoes. You can have sour cream, chopped red onion, hard boiled egg and dill on the side if you want to add something. But I just like it on crisp bread with butter.

Jessica Tittle

Oh Ralph, you make Steve Zahn sound like Kermit the Frog. Cheerio!