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Hey Garmy!

Just wanted to let you know, I'm taking a week off from the VIRTUAL COCKTAIL PARTIES ... I love them, and you love them, but, frankly, I'm feeling a little run down and just a need a break. We'll be back with them NEXT WEEK!

HOWEVER, just when I decided to take the weekend off, my pal, Kevin Smith , reached out and asked me if I wanted to do a "Hollywood Babble-On" show, and I just couldn't refuse! 

So ...

You are officially invited to a VIRTUAL BABBLE-ON with me and and Kevin this Saturday, April 18th at 7pm (pacific time)!

You jump on the same way as the TRR livestream events, by just clicking the link above.

Hope to see you there! LMB!



BABBLE-ON LIVE! - Crowdcast

Register now for Ralph Garman's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Saturday April 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm PDT.


Paul Miller

Just to late for me 3a.m in the morning (Scotland)woke up at 5 went downstairs and watched it on Kevin's YouTube. Fantastic job guys keep them coming. Lmb

Melanie Raguenaud

Thanks, Ralph. It was Sunday breakfast viewing for us, after the fact.