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On today's #TheRalphReport : The history of the SEEING EYE DOG! Plus, we are TURNING you on to another classic on ONE HIT WONDER WEDNESDAY! (We really think so!) And, the ultimate experiment for our TRR TESTICLE TEST! 


Andrew Starkweather

So, I'm no relation to Charlie Starkweather, but figured I'd share a story related to the day in history segment: When I was 7 ('93), my family was on vacation and my mom was paying for something with a check at the Grand canyon gift shop. The clerk looked at her check and says, "Starkweather? That sure is an interesting last name." We finish checking out and a sweet-looking elderly lady came up to my mom and asked if we were related to Charlie Starkweather. We had no idea who that was, my mom explained that it was her married name and called my dad over to see if he knew a Charlie. We didn't, told the lady, and asked how she knew this other Starkweather we had never heard of. She looked my dad right in the eye and coldly said, "he killed my best friend" and walked away. Not only was everyone speechless for a good 15 minutes, we also didn't have the internet and didn't come across the story of Charlie Starkweather for another few years. That whole time we thought there was a rogue distant cousin on the loose, killing friends of old ladies!

Damian Bottriell

If you ever start a 5 Star tier, one of the perks needs to be a used, signed testicuzzi