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Hi there, everyone. Ralph here.

I just wanted to sent you a quick message to thank you all for the outpouring of love and support I have received in the wake of my Dad's passing.

My Dad was my hero. And, although he led a long, full life, his death has left me shattered. 

Every message, call, tweet, and post has truly helped me in ways I can't even express. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will remain grateful to you all, forever.

I planned on posting a new show tomorrow, but I'm still out of town dealing with my father's affairs, and so, I won't be able to put together a new TRR until Tuesday. I hope you can forgive me.

Instead, I will be posting the audio and video from the LIVE New Year's Eve show tomorrow, so that you can watch or listen to the fun we had that night.

I wish you all a great new year. I hope 2020 brings you much happiness and fulfillment.

I will talk to you on Tuesday. I love you, guys.



Jamie Lemmens

First, sending you and the family lots of love.💕. I recently lost both my sister and my father within a month if each other, so I feel your pain. Take as much time as you need. We will be here, waiting patiently. I know some might not agree, but it is a blessing he passed so quickly, for him as well as all of you. You can't do anything wrong, so as you work through all the arrangements, and closing of this wonderful man's life be kind to yourself. You did everything right, that's how it was supposed to happen. I struggle every day, but I know they don't want that for us. We will be Ok, maybe not today, but soon. Love ya my friend. 💋

Christopher Edwards

I binge the show at work. So I'm catching up this week and i was happy beyond belief that Ralph wrote me back directly. Wrote him a very long email thanking him for being a big part of my life via Hollywood Babble on and now TRR. Just take it one day at a time and awesome to see so many loyal fans wishing Ralph so many warm wishes in his time of need. LMB