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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: We give you yet another reason to be terrified with SCIENCE FICTION OR SCIENCE FACT! Why do cats have NINE LIVES? And, this week's TV TUNES TUESDAY theme song is best enjoyed with a damn fine cup of coffee!


Annie yit

True Story: My aunt Lora who used to own 3 cats live in a five story building apartments. Her apartment was on the top floor. One her cats would always hang out by her balcony, but one day the cat felt down to the 1st floor. I kid you not when I went to check if the cat was still alive the cat was more alive than ever he just walk it off. We took him to the vet and the vet told us he was fine no bruises, just not to let the cat go on the balcony anymore.

Kim Gaetjens

Two thumbs up to Michael from Germany (guten tag) for requesting the Twin Peaks theme. I loved that song in the 90's. I *may* have to binge watch the show over the holidays.