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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: The sad story behind Ralph's worst birthday ever. And, some funny stuff, too. Promise.


Jamie Lemmens

My father went to the ER with neck pain. My birthday is 10/2. I got to the hospital at 6am 10/2/19. They came in to tell us his neck was fractured due to lesion. It was cancer that had metastasized from the stage 4 lung cancer, and he had tumors everywhere. I took him to his home on hospice, not knowing what was going to happen. My father passed at 9:41 Oct 6th. To add insult to injury, my sister (55) passed on 09/07/19, she did not survive heart bypass surgery. I had lost my mom 12/22/15 CHF. I'm not sure how I'm still able to function. I no longer have any immediate family. I feel your pain. We will make it through all this. We have no choice. Love you Ralph.😥💔

Leanne Fran

My heart is breaking for you and your family, Ralph. Sending love your way!!