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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: We cover the weekend's NEW MOVIES in the "Movie Beat"! Jay Busbee from Yahoo Sports talks about this weekend's NFL games! Let's raise money for MEN'S HEALTH issues with "Movember"! And, more of Eddie's DRUNK THOUGHTS!


Captain America

Considering how ahead of the curve Sesame Street was with death of a loved one/good friend with Mr. Hooper, you’d think having a parent struggling with addiction abuse would have come up sometime over the years with alcohol and hard recreation drugs like cocaine (sorry Ralph) and heroin abuse being much more front and center of substance abuse “spotlights” than the prescription medication epidemic of recent years. Maybe its because these drugs can actually be consumed by children themselves, IDK. But I’d imagine “going away because he/she liked certain things that while giving him/her pleasure too much was causing harm to themselves and ones they love” is as equal of a lesson than why someone’s parents went away due to getting hooked on prescription/pain meds.

Matt Miyamoto

Former Presidential hopeful John Kerry is married to Tereza Heinz.