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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: What should Eddie give his wife for their anniversary?  "Who'd Ralph Play" on the season premiere of FAMILY GUY? And, we open the "files" on another classic TV theme song on TV TUNES TUESDAY! 


Bob Z

Maybe if Ralph and Eddie weren’t looking at naked women in their National Geographic, and read the magazine, they’d know that Yellowstone sits on the super volcano and has geyser. Not Yosemite.

Yiftach Levy

Just got to this bit and yelled "That's Yellowstone, not Yosemite!" Come on, Ralph, you're better than that. That was an Eddiotic thing to say 🤣😂

Yiftach Levy

Also, in what I hope is the nerdiest comment I make today, the saxophone is a woodwind, not brass, instrument