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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: We salute yet another TRR "Citizen of the Week"! Our love letter to VINYL! And, speaking of LOVE, we finally debut The Ralph Report match-making service, "E-GARmony"! 


Coy Bennett-James

I feel his pain. I gave up 6 years ago and spend time with my kids instead.

Matt Miyamoto

I wanted to chime in on the Jason Momoa vs TMT on Mauna Kea. I’m part Hawaiian and I live on the Big island. There are quite a few issues with both sides regarding this… just because The Rock and JM are into it, doesn’t everyone who is Hawaiian or Part Hawaiian are into it. Depending on who you ask - its a very passionate subject - and the anti-tmt protesters are super toxic - like the ones who hated the asian girl in star wars toxic. I don’t think its going to get built - and the fall out will send our economy into the shitter, but I highly doubt Jason Momoa and The Rock are going to help us out when that happens.