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Attention! This SATURDAY, there's a MARCH livestream video chat for the 3 AND 4 STAR GENERALS! 

NOON (PST), so figure out what time it is for you!


We're taking advantage of Steve Ashton being in town to make sure we got a livestream event with him before the big LIVE TRR!

So, don't forget to check out our RALPH REPORT livestream event, this SATURDAY, MARCH 9TH at NOON (Pacific time)!

Here's your chance to ask Ralph and STEVE any questions you might have!

And, the folks at Patreon and Crowdcast have teamed up to make it as simple as possible for you to join in!

Here is how you do it!

At NOON PST, I will make a post on Patreon, which will connect to our Crowdcast livestream, and it will show up on my Patreon feed. 

You will be notified via email (if you have your notifications on) and you can click to the livestream directly from the email, or from Patreon. 

Here is an image of what that post will look like for you. (There will be a "Watch The Livestream" button.

(You will have to be logged in on Patreon as a 3 or 4 star general to see the post and livestream link, otherwise it will show up as a private post.) 

Then, you will be directed to the livestream hub on Crowdcast, and will be prompted to "sign in through Patreon," so, you will need to enter your Patreon email and password. 

Then, you'll then be able to watch the livestream! Yay!

We're looking forward to answering your questions this SATURDAY at NOON PST, so, have one ready! ESPECIALLY FOR STEVE!




Darren McGregor

Missed it. I kept getting sent in a loop from crowdcast to my email 😕

Michael Binhack

I was in the movies, watching Captain Marvel. And it was AWESOME!!!!