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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: It's our salute to the TOOTH FAIRY! (Seriously. We're lucky. In Spain, a rat takes kids' teeth away. No, really.) Another rousing edition of "SMALL CANADIAN TOWN or SEX TERM"! And, we take a look at Robert Kraft and the dirty business of MASSAGE PARLORS ...


Donna Tatum

Thanks so much for your post about trafficking in the massage industry. It’s a huge issue for nail salons, hair salons, and spas as well. Things to look for: 1. there are not individual licenses on the wall with each therapists name. Most times either the women are not licensed at all, or someone is holding their license to prevent them from getting a legal job somewhere else. 2. Prices are extremely low. A $15 pedicure or $30/hour massage couldn’t possibly be a living wage, once you subtract supplies and operating costs, etc 3. The general vibe .

Mary Hopkins

I would LOVE to wear the Eddiots shirt!