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Today's THE RALPH REPORT: Ralph receives one of the highest HONORS that can be bestowed on a person! What is "BLUEBERRY PORN"?! Steve Ashton brings us news from the UK! The weekend's NEW MOVIES! And, Daniel Roebuck talks about his dynamite role on LOST!



i like sweet potatoes baked. If they're cut & sauteed in a little butter until the outside forms a caramelized crust, even better - hell that goes for any potato. i've even tried them in/as a pie - needs whipped cream or ice cream, ImO. ... but F*CK sweet potato fries.

Bill Schult

Just catching up with Friday's episode. I have always loved the Monkee's song Shades Of Grey.....but until today did not know that it is my own personal Tale As Old As Time. Waterworks Frankie Boy, waterworks!