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Today's show: What's the fattest state in the U.S.?! More of the interview with voice-acting superstar, Maurice LaMarche! We play "ASK A BRIT" with our UK correspondent, Steve Ashton! And, the history of PHONE SEX!


Laura Dobberstein

About scones..... when I was 12, my family went to Ireland on vacation. I couldn't remember the word for those sweet biscuits, but I remembered it sounded like "rock" or "pebble" or something.... so I came up with "sprock". To this day, my family calls scones "sprocks".

Brian Gray

I was wondering if anybody else misses the Survivor Recaps it just ended without any notice or did I miss something? I'd love to have the Survivor Recaps back anybody else out there want to hear those also?? Why, why did they just end, It got me watching survivor again.. I looked forward to the banter between Mr & Mrs Garman.. 😆