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Hey there, boys and girls of the Garmy!

Just wanted to drop you a note and say I'm thinking of you here in Sarasota! 

Many of you "4-star generals" are reaching out and saying that you got your merch and that you dig it. Kari, Olivia, and I are so glad! 

And for the rest of you generals, yes, we're working on a merch store so you can get some cool stuff, too. Stay tuned.

Thanks for being so cool about the pre-recorded mini-shows this week while I'm on-set down here shooting the movie, KILLROY WAS HERE! 

I'm gonna try to send you guys some behind-the scenes stuff if/when I can ... but, the producers been very tight about video/images possibly being posted on social media and stuff, so, if I do send you anything, let's keep it in the Garmy and off the interwebs! Okay?!

Meanwhile, here's a shot of me in my "pedo priest" costume, and one of me with the director. His name is Kevin. I'm not familiar with his work, but they tell me he was very big in the 90's.

LMB! (Love ya, mean it, bye!)



Brown Elf

Whose that other suave rico next to his holiness?😉


WOW! YOU LOOK AMAZZZING! (Huell Howser) You might want to ask Mr. Smith if he wrote that part especially for you. 😂