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Today's show: A look at the NFL's new rule with Jay Busbee from Yahoo Sports! What's in movie theaters this holiday weekend! Steve Ashton checks in from the UK! And, more with David Koechner!


Owen Edmonds

As an Arsenal fan I can say that I hope Madrid win...

David Stokan

So the whole thing with trump and his opinions on the NFL action against players not standing for the anthem...its his opinion. He's not doing anything legally about it. A ton of criticism I've been seeing on the prez is based on things he's not even putting into action through his position. I'm not a Trump supporter nor did I vote for him in the election but all the political talk about things he's saying in interviews to questions reporters are purposefully asking him is getting a bit off topic. I understand it's your opinion as well though and that's why I love listening to your podcast. I just think we should be looking at more important things than what he thinks organizations should or should not be doing when it is just his opinion. Also, it's really hard to swallow how everyone is calling on the 1st amendment when it comes to these players kneeling during the anthem. Yes, IN THIS COUNTRY, you have the right to do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. Businesses(the NFL) also have the right to do what they wish, to a point legally, with their employees. If the NFL requires players to stand for the anthem, that is completely legal. The players also have the right to quit or to protest some other way. You see, when the players protest during events/games it causes problems for the NFL and thus is hurting someone else.