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It's a brand new THE RALPH REPORT for a Monday! Today's episode: A recap of The Oscars! News from the UK! And, PART TWO of the exclusive interview with KEVIN SMITH! 


Erik Cruz

Goddamnit Tracy Parsons!!!! There are some big similarities between your husband’s and your story with my wife’s and mine in some things you said in the email. I’m in the part of beginning to create some little things (different avenue now though). I do a call center like job from home that i DO like and get paid decently right now. It’s interpreting for people, so it IS cool. I’m just looking to do some other things like your husband. I cried my eyes out because Kevin is LITERALLY the same for me. And over the last few years, Ralph, you have become so special to me. Sorry Garmy if I’m rambling... no I’m not, i paid. Hahahahahaha Love you all and have a great weekend. Babble the Fuck On and Garmy Strong, bitches!!

Ryan S

Yeah dude I noticed that Adam West wasn't included. I thought forsure I missed it. But remember the academy strokes it's own D. So those 'in memorial' shots are just like a "thank you for your significant donation" aka unless you are the among the all time block buster big screen actors you buy your way into the memorial part of the Oscars.