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Hi gang! Ralph here ...

We've become aware of the problem some of you are having getting the latest THE RALPH REPORT to show up in your Apple podcast player.

We're looking into it to find out why this happened.

In the meantime, here's a fix that many are having success with!

Un-subscribe from THE RALPH REPORT in your Apple player, then, RE-subscribe, using your private audio RSS feed link.


Lots of folks are saying this gets the show properly delivered to them again.

We are investigating this glitch and will keep you posted.

(Also, know that you can listen to the show on the Patreon page, or via the downloadable Patreon phone app until we get this fixed.)

As always, thanks for your patience and support!




Michael S. Miller

I just download it on my laptop... Zero problems, unless I can't remember my password... ;)

Jeff Burkhart

I have no problem getting them on ANDROID. #CrappleProducts