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Batman, more Jimmy Kimmel, and Cocaine pineapples!


Julius Dominic

All these years I've touted my hatred of pineapple pizza, but now...

Michael Kremer

Not starting a debate but everyone has obvious slants. I have slants politically. But why is it that we tell them we do not want to hear their opinion because of slants. That is basically saying I do not agree with your opinion so I do not want to hear it. Politicians have obvious slants(obviously) so why do we care about their opinion vs. a movie star, a factory worker, a policeman etc. Our opinions are equal but because you do not agree with someone does not mean they can not use their platform for their motives.

Captain America

A lot the times, especially in the last few decades, it can come off as pandering to a fanbase more so than thoughtful discourse on things bigger than yourself. See Chelsea Handler’s statements and actions. If Ralph didn’t agree with her views, I’d imagine her ramblings would be joked about on HBO as she has been since pretty much day one (no clue if she was a consistent Garman target on KROQ but the Babble-On Garmy was formed out of his bile directed at her). But they do seem more her pandering to her audience and trying too hard to seem like she cares. The other part of the argument comes from the idea that guys from generations past like a Carson or Carlin tended to paint with a very broad brush. It wasn’t one party, one religion, (in Carlin’s case anyway) or one whatever constantly getting mocked and dumped on. Or at the very least things were more subtle and wide ranging, and therefore easily digestible by the public. It wasn’t constant “this side of the argument is bad, and you should feel bad for supporting it” the way you constantly get from comedians and entertainers. Anyway, that’s my .02 Was just “answering” Jimmy’s assertion about the “shut up and perform” crowd. And those who agree with Kimmel’s assertions when it comes to liberal voices can be just as vocal, or at least “disappointed” when finding out that certain celebs are more conservative/traditional family values in their views or support anyone with an R next to their names. So its not just those like Kimmel or The Dixie Chicks that are the targets of “shut up and perform” screeds.