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Crikey! We're going DOWN UNDER to try the national breakfast cereal of AUSTRALIA!

Will we become WEET-BIX KIDS?!



Daniel Judge

I actually much prefer the multi grain West bix now. They are a bit crunchier and have some more texture etc & don’t go as soggy as quickly as the standard ones. Aussies out there: give them a go. The high Fibre ones were even better but they have discontinued those now :-( they had these great little crispy balls in those. I sprinkle some LSA and sugar on. I just have two for brekky these days. Used to do like 4 or 5 when I was a kid (and way more sugar then)

Gemma Williams

Does anyone know what the difference (if any) is between Weet-Bix & Weetabix? I’m familiar with Weetabix being from the UK. So any difference? Another than the extra letter.