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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: We take you to church with ONE-HIT WONDER Wednesday! Plus, has science created the end of HANGOVERS?! And, two reasons why we can't have nice things anymore!


Cassie Wierzbicki

For some reason in the UK we've added an 'A' to Weetbix. But yeah, even here Weetabix are a real thing. In fact I'm currently weening my son & he has Weetabix for breakfast, just like I did as a kid

Frank Smith

Fuck me! Eddie you know how close to the truth you were about Weetabix being used in construction. They have been used for years when cement just won't cut it. The minute you add milk to them they suck it up with any other moisture in the room and within 5 minutes have set into something harder than diamond! And eating it is as bad it has the density of molten lead when it hits your stomach and exits like pebbledash! In fact I believe it's banned in prisons here (in Ireland) and my motherland (England) because prisoners were making shivs out of it. They may or may not be true, but, I bet it could be. Oh and another thing, because it sets so quick, never EVER leave any in your cereal bowl with a spoon in it. The three items will become inseparable. I can't tell you how much crockery and cutlery I've lost to a Weetabix over the years.

Shane Westmore

Weetbix is trademarked here in Australia, so the UK company did the laziest thing and threw a vowel in it. Goes alright with a bit of sugar and milk.