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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: Hey, wanna buy a FLAMETHROWER?! You can eat the dessert Elvis' momma made for The King! And, Dr. Eric returns to answer the question: What's up with the FOOT FETISH?


Clayton Colter

Coconut is bad, smell and taste lol. Everyday I realize I'm more and more like Eddie


To the Garmy. I’m hoping to figure out what the lyrics are to the end of the Sex U Intro and Outro song. Specifically, the last sentence that begins with “So ……”. Is it “clownly” or “cloudly”? Any help would help erase 5 years of guessing!😋

Steve Power

I think it's a pun on the American university degree honor "Summa Cum Laude", which basically translated from Latin means highest honor/top percentile, and I think what's actually being said is summa cum loudly ;-)