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Now that Ralph has retired, it's up to John Kuperman's new show to continue Eddie's edible education ...

First up, the fake chicken known as LOMA LINDA FriChik!


Jamie Corbett

I also grew up in the SDA church and LOVED fri chik as a kid, my sister and I would eat it warm or straight out of the can. Big Franks and Little Links were also a regular part of our meals, we were bad SDAs and also ate meat (except pork or shellfish). I’m no longer SDA, but have many many ties to Loma Linda. My husband and kids won’t touch fri chik, but I still like it!

Steven Farwell

I am few weeks behind so I only got to this episode today. My god was it funny!!! Great job everyone :-). Best part by by far was Kupe constantly telling Eddy to shut up, on a podcast. Amazing lol!!