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The artwork for 1730 part 6 is all done and I have all the guest audio. Things still to do are doing my audio, getting the sponsor part made and putting the video together. I am waiting for an email back from the sponsor to clarify something but that shouldn't take long.

Patreon is really starting to piss me off with all their updates that keep making it such a pain in the arse to update the patreon thank you page so that is giving me a lot of grief at the moment. 

Once this video is done, straight onto 096 vs 012, gonna be a good one! And then in December I have a new WDB for you covering the Flesh that Hates.


Personal life wise, I've managed to get my little girl into nursery (childcare) for 2 days a week now so that should help keep me focused on work without interruption. 


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