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Hey all, just checking in.

So the next video I’m working on is a When Day Breaks one, it’s set in a forest. The purpose of this video is to explore how the natural world is reacting to the event and how it effects plants and trees and the such with a healthy dose of WDB horror!

After that, a custom story involving SCP-1983. I have written a tale that covers how the D-Class killed the SCP!

I did want to have SCP-1730 finished by Christmas but I definitely do not have enough time now sadly. I will definitely have the first Samsara encounter finished though at least.

I’ve tasked Cimmerian with 4 SCP vs SCP tales, he is writting those up for me and I will get working on those after the 1983 tale.

I am also currently writing a WDB encounter with 610 and a sequel to WDB SCP-106.

In the new year, more WDB (of course), more SCP vs SCP and more custom tales, finish 1730 and then decide to either tackle another BIG SCP or do something different and explore some tales.

Personally, I’m leaning towards tales as they are easier to do and covering individual SCPs is just so over-saturated now while tales, there’s a bit of a gap there.

Personal life wise (for those interested). Got a week long holiday coming up in October (want to take Ophelia abroad). The channel is doing ok. Subs are still slowly going up, seen some positive reactions and analytics from the SCP vs SCP and WDB videos, not so much from 1730 (probably because it’s in bits and it’s been covered by others) but I’m pretty sure the final all-bits-together video will do well.

Monthly views are on the decline. Since this time last year they are down something like 50-60% so obviously that’s not great but I am putting that down to my channels abundance of individual SCP videos that just no longer show up in the recommended sections which is why I am gradually shifting to tales and encounters. All my best performing videos now (going off my analytics) are WDB videos and custom-tale/SCP vs SCP videos.

So yeah, a year of changes all around. Let’s see what happens in the coming months and 2023.

Thank you all for your support as always, it is greatly, greatly appreciated ❤️



Happy to hear it illu ^^

Eugene R. Sano, Jr.

I know you said custom tales, but you check out the tale "The Dragon and The Pesterbot". It's very amusing.