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Thank you all for another year of your support. I really appreciate all you do to keep the channel afloat and I am truly grateful for you all. Thank you, enjoy this little treat and I will see you all for another great year... starting tomorrow :)

1) Introduction to The Wanderers Library
2) Doctor seen looking at plans and notes for the raid
3) The Foundation stands ready to breach the library
4) A look at the events and guests of the library on a day-to-day basis
5) Expositon on the library doors
6) The first team breaches the library
7) A 2nd team enter from another door and begin sweeping through
8) Library guests flee as the task force begins shooting
9) Agents shoot and kill an armed guest... the library begins to react!
10) Lost agents try and find their way through the Library as 'things' begin to appear from the shadows
11) The agents try to escape
12) The door opens and the lead agent is dragged away by an unseen entity
13) Doctors tries opening the door to... a wall of flames
14) ... an arctic desert
15) ... and a room filled with fungus
16) The lead doctor calls the O5 Council to report the 'problems'. They are dissapointed.
17) The Librarians begin hunting down the Foundation agents
18) Terrified agent hides from the librarian
19) The Librarian finds and takes the agent away
20) Several days later, some agents finally find their way out of the Library
21) Another team, originally 20 strong, is reduced to only 3
22) 3 becomes 1, the agent runs in panic through the endless shelves
23) The agent is terrified to see a colossal entity following him amoungst the shelves
24) The agent runs into another creature, he collapses in fear and cries
25) Another type of Librarian, The Page, picks up the agent and carries him away
26) Two more agents on the run knock over a little girl with glowing eyes
27) So far into the library that even the books have run out, the agents come across an unspeakable creature
28) The "lucky" agents who escaped recover and share stories of what they saw
29) Weeks later and a few final agents find their way of the library but having spent DECADES inside!



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