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It's that time again. Submit your Dr Bright restrictions! 1 restriction per person. 25 will be chosen at random. Good luck!  

Changing it up this time a bit. 25 will come from members and patreons. Another 25 will come from regular channel viewers via the community tab. Of course, they'll be heck of a lot more comments on the community tab to sift through! :')



Melvin shermen

doctor bright is not allowed to play Any Cyberpunk rpg. Like Cyberpunk shadowrun cyberspace Night edge SLA Industries. With the chruch of Maxwellism.


Upon the event of the death of Professor Kain Pathos Crow Doctor Bright is most certainly not allowed to take his remains to a taxidermist. Nor is he permitted to preform any kind of taxidermy himself for that matter.


Dr. Bright is not allowed to label SCP-682's chamber as the "big fucking lizard tank." Or any of 939's, for that matter. It was funny the first time, but after that last breach we don't have the budget to clean up after you.


Dr Bright is not allowed to narrate and or make a documentary about SCP-682 any Keter class SCPS in a style similar to that of famous natural historian David Attenborough. Dr clef isnt allowed to do this either.


Dr bright is not allowed to run his own "scp show" and use the excuse that it will "help fund the foundation"


Dr. Bright is not allowed to take an MTF squad to Chernobyl, Ukraine so he can try to make the game S.t.a.l.k.e.r a reality, he also can't use this to fuck around in highly radioactive areas