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C'mon Danny we need to go home said daddy looking down at me in full squat pushing and grunting as my diaper sagged low between my legs.

After I pee daddy I've just finished pooping.

I think you need a change little one.

No, I don't daddy don't change me please not out here.

Everyone could see me just in a diaper and shirt at this picnic table I started mumbling with embarrassment in my voice and my cheeks turned bright red.

Dad started to change me right in front of everyone.

People stared at me openly clearly wondering why such a big boy like me just pooped himself in front of everyone in the parking lot as this was clearly normal for him cause he acted babyish despite his age.

Younger dudes straight out laughed at my wet and poopy diaper and called Look at the big baby getting his diaper changed ha ha ha.

Ps. This was right at the parking lot that leads to the start of the mountain trail hike.

PS.  More awesome pics and stories coming soon for the month of December so look out for them kiddos.

Ps. I hope Santa Stops for you all this year. Sending tons of Hugs Stay Warm Safe Hydrated and Diapered :)    and don't forget to comment :) 




You better be good or santa won't be delivering any fresh diapers for Christmas 🤪🤪🤪 MERRY CHRISTMAS DANNY 😉😉😉