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It all happened soo fast.

Just as I started  enjoying the afternoon in our garden with my coloring book, sipping Sprite Zero from Baby bottle,  completely oblivious of my surroundings especially if it comes to my (Little Space)

Daddy was super busy in the kitchen preparing our dinner SO He let me play alone in the garden for more than an hour. I was soo absorbed by Paw Patrol coloring book that I've forgotten about something really important.

I've completely forgotten about my best friend's visit just as he was supposed to come anytime right now to play videogames with me.

I was petrified and shocked to see his face once he's finally arrived at our house.

I had no idea how to explain IT to him. My thick, wet, and smelly baby diaper, baby bottle, and my coloring book widely open with crayons just laying around on the tabletop.

He just stood there and stared at me and my diaper with a big cheeky smile.

- Josh      listen it's not what it looks like.

- I’m just preparing for the autumn  LARP convention – I've lied trying to explain it all.

- Oh Really?? – he replied

staring at my soggy diaper and smirking at me at the same time. – Oh well…I see you're trying really really hard.

 Oh, and by the way that character you are going to play during this convention. I really Hope He is not going to be a pathetic baby.

 Josh added and let out a slight giggle. At that time I felt embarrassed and blushed.

Alright, Boys      Dinner's   Ready   Daddy Shouted from the kitchen and told us to sit down.




Oh my gosh it was so embarrassing little boy