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My dad apparently took Lockdown very seriously.

One Monday Evening he came down with a set of rules I'm now supposed to follow without a fail.

They read as follows.

I understand that :

- I can't go to school

- can't play outside

-can't meet my friends (Except Online)

-can't use the bathroom (except for Toothbrushing and Showering)

I understand that I must

- Play my console games

- Wear and Use my Pampers Nappies/Diapers 

- Suck my Paci

- Complete one page of coloring book a day

- Be a Good Boy

- Respect bedtime without a fuss.

If found not following new rules I will be Punished with lack of Console Time and no TV.

As well as Very thick Diapers that will make me waddle :)

# Stay at Home...  Guys 

# I love my new Rules :) and will be a good baby boy.

Sending Hugs to Everyone in these difficult times.





The lockdown is making my depression worse again....