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I was completely lost playing with my little toddler boats in that shallow river you can see right behind me. I had tons of fun as my baby imagination ran wild and I have completely lost the feeling of time and space during it :)

-Danny !!

-Yes Daddy

-It's getting cold outside and you've been playing with your boats for over an hour already.

-Come over here right now I need to check your Diaper. 

Dad shouted really loudly and some people looked at me instantly as I turned red-faced while waddling through the river to see dad.

Yes I have pooped a lot in my Pampers but there was no way daddy could have noticed me doing it or even smell my mess from that far away I thought to myself while I reached out with my hand to check the big poo I've done not so long ago and the back of my diaper was really big/lumpy also I could feel it moves inside with every step I took.

I felt very embarrassed right now as I've noticed people at the riverbank staring at me with shock on their faces, I gave them a big embarrassed boy smile and kept waddling to see daddy.

A few seconds later daddy grabbed me by hand and checked my diaper by pulling the back with the other.

-Oh Boy, you did a big Poopy.    You need a change right now baby.

-But Dad I want to keep playing with my plastic boats.
I protested with an angry face.

-Enough baby boy said, daddy.

-Lie down on a changing mat said dad and changed me right there in front of all these people staring and laughing at me. 

It was embarrassing to have your legs lifted up in the air and have your poo wiped off your butt with baby wipes but at that point, I didn't care anymore who stares or laughs at me I just enjoyed the change and hugged daddy after he taped fresh Pampers on me and let me play a bit more with my plastic boats. 

Ps. I enjoyed the embarrassment and laughs and the stares I got It was a truly awesome experience. 

Ps. Dad how did you knew I pooped myself :) ???

Ps. Daddy you really know how to make little boys like me embarrassed and I love u for that.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did experiencing it :)

There will be more pics published from this story soon to help you see better picture :)

Most of them even more pathetic and cute than this one :) soo look out for them :)

Love you All                                Schoolboy in Drynites




Do you actually do the diaper changes in full view of others around, or is this just staged to look like it was?


My Daddy does and of course in Full view. Ps. Baby Danny needs to be embarrassed to know it's place :) Plus Baby Danny loves people seeing it and especially commenting on him :)