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It was warm and sunny day and I really enjoyed running around the beach in just my diaper and Pikachu T-shirt.

My dad was sitting nearby doing some pictures and making sure that I'm safe.

We made a small picknick and I ate some Oreos with milk while dad had a Pint of his favourite  Beer.

There weren't many people around and it felt like a perfect afternoon beach picknick spot ever !

At some point my dad had noticed fairly  small Coastguard boat heading towards us.

I was completely unaware of this and running freely in my soggy diaper collecting rocks and sea shells,  throwing stones into the water.

At some point the boat made some audible sounds and the coastguards shouted to us about incoming high tide which was about to cut us off completely. 

I blushed smiled and waved at the coastguards as they waved their hands back at me :)

We've then moved to a safer spot accompanied by the coastguards in the boat.  I was blushing all the way. 

Daddy laughed all the way as supposedly he knew there were coming but wanted to see how I will react to this :)

PS. I will never forget the grin on that young coastguard's Face :) 

PS. Please Comment on the picture and also what was the most embarrassing real life story that made you blush all the way that included Diapers.  :) 




Being found in diapers by parents!