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-Dad ?

-Yes Danny

-Can I drive your car please daddy ? Said Danny in a clearly excited tone.

-Yeah Sure lets get your favourite car out and you can play all day said dad patting Danny on his thickly diapered butt and closing the doors behind him :) I will check on you in 5 hours :)

-You can play in the front yard everyone knows you are still in diapers.

-Have fun playing Baby Danny.

Baby Danny absolutely loved playing outside on warm days. He would spend hours riding his plastic toy car up and down the driveway wearing just his Sonic T-shirt and a Thick Sagging Pampers Today was no exception, as he happily scooted around in his favorite red toy car.

But as he played, Danny felt a familiar pressure in his stomach. He knew what it meant, and he knew he needed to poop now.

Without hesitation, he stopped his car right on the sidewalk grabbed the steering wheel with his tiny hands and pushed with all his might while squatting down with his mouth wide open and a little shocked facial expression, feeling the poop spreading around in his diaper all the way back and front.

It felt divine as he got really excited as he kept mushing his poo poo inside his diaper like a baby.

He could smell his poo poo mixed with baby powder. He felt a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.

He then stood up and touched the bulge in the back of his diaper to check how big it was.

It was massive and he knew everyone looking could possibly tell that he is wet and poopy straight away.

Feeling happy about himself he began waddling around like a baby he was.

He didn't think much of it, as he was used to wearing them whenever he was outside.

But what he didn't realize was that his neighbors were staring at him. They saw him stop playing, squat down, and heard the unmistakable sound of him filling his diaper. Some of them whispered to each other while giggling and making fun of Danny.

Despite the stares and whispers, Danny continued to play as if nothing had happened. He sat down in his red toddler car and waddled off to the green lawn. He was in his own world, happily driving his babyish car around, completely unphased by the reactions of those around him.

For Danny, the simple act of playing outside was enough to bring him joy and excitement. He didn't need words to express himself or validate his actions. He was content in his own skin, living in the moment and cherishing life.

The End.

Hope you liked Baby Driver :) I thought A bit of explanation was needed at the begining to get you invested more into the story :)

Ps. I actually asked Daddy to treat me like this on purpose on that day cause I wanted to be properly embarrassed :) So he did :)

Hugs go out to the entire ABDL Community Love You ALL

Please Comment your Heart out I love to read them and it means a lot to me

Thankies in Advance

I Schoolboy in Drynites




That’s good to see you find the way to have fun Danny only hope you didn’t make a massive poopie waffle for you daddy to clean or make you did and surprise him ^^ Also look cute on your car Danny And happy Easter Danny hope you find a lot of eggs


Amazing storyy!! The way you write always pushes my buttons stinky butt >///<