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My name is Jevgenij (or Eugene), which from Greek means "Noble". Since i was born, my parents were calling me "Кот" (which mean Cat translated from Russian). So there emerged name for my photography "Noble Cat".

I was born in Vilnius, Lithuania. Did most activities as most children do. Tried singing, dancing, playing piano as well as many sports. One was stuck the most, which was boxing, I was decent at it, but I didn't love it.

After school I went to study Psychology in University. All years studying I was thinking and planning to become a psychotherapist. But in my last year I got opportunity to try fashion modelling, which I took. I left uni, just before finishing my Bachelors degree. No one was supporting my choice leaving uni and going for such unknown career path.

Taking this journey, it changed my life completely. In a few years of modelling I’ve travelled more than I did previous 20+ years, I’ve met so many people from all around the world, I’ve experienced new cultures. Overall my career was going well, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as in the beginning.

Then in 2015 when I decided to take a break from modelling, I went to Dubai, where I had a chance to look back on my life and realised something. That when I was working as a model, especially on photoshoots, that I was more interested in photographers work rather than fashion, clothes and etc.. And then it hit me, since a very young age as long as I had any kind of camera, I would be always taking photos. Just never had my own camera and didn’t realise that photography could be my life career which I enjoy and love.

So in 2015 I bought my first DSLR camera and that’s where this journey led me to now.


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