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So, Deja Vu's story is a little complicated, but I'll try to give you the main points. The themes of the MV are about betrayal and how a warped perception can change how you interpret events that are happening. Sua's line after the second chorus highlights this "All the truths I believed, covered me in falsehoods." At the beginning all 7 girls seem like they're ruling the kingdom together, maybe like a council with Yoohyeon and Jiu sharing the main responsibilities as rulers, at least that's what it looks like in the MV. They're also very close and are happy together. Yoohyeon then becomes corrupted by the black smoke, and she begins to think that Jiu and the rest of the members want to take all of the power for themselves. Over the course of the MV you see the rest of the members get banished or killed as Yoohyeon tries to solidify her power. This is kicked off when her and Jiu clash in the throne room (in the second bridge section), Jiu forgives Yoohyeon and throws down her sword but Yoohyeon, driven by the corruption and her own ambition, takes up the sword and kills Jiu. The flip side is that Yoohyeon, either due to the corruption or her own ambitions, sees herself as the victim. In the first bridge we can see the same fight as mentioned above but, in this version, Jiu is the "bad" guy and Yoohyeon is the victim. This is also portrayed by the scenes with the coffin. When Jiu is in the Coffin, the rest of the members are standing there looking at her and slowly turn to look at Yoohyeon, who is responsible. When Yoohyeon is in the coffin, it's only Jiu standing in front of it holding the sword. Yoohyeon was imaging a future where Jiu killed her for the throne, but the reality was that Yoohyeon actually did kill Jiu and either banished or killed the other members. Silent Night has become one of their concert staples. The breakdown at the end goes CRAZY in concert, the lights go down, everyone's light sticks are sync'd up flashing red, and once it finishes, the final drop usually gets repeated multiple time. I think they did it 7 times on one or two stops during the last tour.