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YEEEEESSSS - love your reaction!! First i wanna say - i feel the same way about kpop: i started listening to kpop and seeing their content in 2014/2015 (huh time flies) and since then I'm way happier. And when I have my sad/ stressful days I also escape to kpop and just watch their older videos or their new content and so on - there is just always something to distract myself with. And thy often talk in their Live videos some encouraging words and its just helps! I hope you also feel the same Way!! I love Crazy Form - i also had a few days when i was thinking "hmm when bouncy came out i listened to the title track more than now to crazy form, is it bec i think its 'weaker'?" but now i changed my mind - and im always humming it and just love seeing the performance to this. So you arent the only one feeling like this. I don't know if you can/are interested: but i would love to see your reaction to maybe some stages to Crazy form? They had some really cool performances with really cool outfits. You can see the dance even better and hear the vocals better than here on MAMA.....would be awesome, :) I can DEFINITELY recommend the stage on <"Show! Music Core" 231202> Sorry that the comment got so long :))

Hannah Atiny

Like the comment above me said, you should definetely react to some Crazy Form stages, the MAMA's audio quality was SO BAD, you can barely hear them. Also after a few listens I love Crazy Form now, I don't know if it has to do with the time you have with a group that you get used to their sound so much:)