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Kiss of Life always gets a heart... Thank You. I appreciate you sharing


They debuted July 5th 2023. They are 7 months old as a group. Natty was on Sixteen (formed Twice) and Idol school. She previously debuted as a Soloist. Belle is a song writter. She wrote Unforgiven for LesSerifim and G-IDLE's Miyeon solo. Julie was a trainee for years at YG's The black label, Haneul trained the least amount of time but still beat out more experienced trainees to debut with Kiss of Life. Their Creative director / Team leader was on Idol School with Natty, she discussed how she formed Kiss of Life in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_niySJQFLY&pp=ygUTSGFlIEluIGtpc3Mgb2YgbGlmZQ%3D%3D