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One of the funniest videos I've watched in a while. I WAS IN TEARS




When you know them better (well) I think Wonwoo's Diary is funny too. But you need some SVT practise first, it's chaotic as hell

Jess 1993

Personnaly, I watched all the episodes in order from Going Seventeen 2019. But to choose my best ones from each season, other than Best Friends, I would go with : 2019 : SVT playground (not as good as the ones following, but still good to watch and laugh). 2020 : Mystery Mystery, Don't lie 1 (the best/funniest thing ever) , Insomnia-Zero (good way to learn some secrets/inside jokes), Four Wheeled rider (live version mario kart), SVT got talent (the prelude to the ad-lib), The Tag, Mousebusters, Bad Clue, SVT Sideout, Bungee Jump, Don't lie 2. 2021-2023 playlist : Let's Go, Don't Lie 3, Kickball, Tribal Games, Insomnia-Zero 2, SVT side out 2, E-Triathlon (if you're into gaming), Wonwoo's diary, Bad Clue 2, I know and Don't Know, Don't lie series (ep 65 to 71)