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Hello, to meet many fans' requirements and suggestions, I will decrease some unnecessary contents many people dislike and speed up the story a little. I’m working on the Thursday story now. And it snows heavily these two days in Tokyo, the weather is getting colder, I hope everyone take care and don't catch cold. thank you very much!



Maligned Loon

A little bit is fine, but be careful about rushing the story too much. Rush it too much, and it'll turn into another one of those generic, forgettable games.


Don’t let the complaints get to you. You can’t satisfy everyone. But you can satisfy most people, and I think you’re doing just that.

dany peralta

It's you game, master it's all on you, we appreciate the communication with your public but in the end it's your masterpiece we just tell you a little help but you can manage the game completely as you like

Alex Mendor

Why does a game about Asuna's corruption have so much text? If you want to keep the plot and text that you like so much, then make the game more dynamic. This means adding more erotic scenes (two or three times more) and scenes with the corruption of Asuna and other heroes, but most importantly, don’t forget about Asuna. Or remove the extra text and have more h-scenes. Where Kirito also goes more and more into a cuckold state. Who likes what is happening and could personally catch Asuna. In other words, spy on her. Unconsciously quenching the thirst for my new fetish.

dany peralta

It's a history of corruption not a porn video only, we need a reason that is the why we need all these text, it's ok for. Me and it's good