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It's totally fine to criticize the author and provide feedback, as everyone has the right to do so. This particular storyline has indeed exposed several issues, and I would like to briefly discuss my original intentions behind its design.

Feel free to discuss the work itself and the creator, but let's avoid creating conflicts in the comment section.

1. The text volume in this update was substantial.

I mentioned this issue briefly towards the end, as the lack of time on finishing Thursday contents, which is crucial, led to my own shortcomings. If there had been content for Thursday, there might not have been as much controversy. Additionally, I took reference from some elements of the original work, aiming to provide a better textual narrative experience. However, it seems that this didn't resonate well, and I will make adjustments moving forward.

2. There was an excessive focus on Inoda's inner struggles, resulting in a weak sense of betrayal.

This is also my own doing, as I intended to shape Inoda as a somewhat perverted and comical character. Moreover, considering that many friends identified with Inoda through self-insertion, I didn't want to portray him as a complete scumbag. However, it appears that the outcome didn't satisfy everyone, and I will reassess this moving forward.

The issue with the sense of betrayal lies in the current progress. I currently don't have any remarkable developments for Inoda and Asuna's dynamic. This ties into another problem.

3. The progress is too slow, almost repeating the beginning stages of the part 1.

This storyline was influenced by the results of previous polls, where the majority voted for Kirito and Asuna to have a romantic relationship and preferred a slow-paced development. However, due to production constraints, there have been discrepancies and misdirection:

It seems that many players expected a more intense event to occur during the first massage event. But I considered that this shouldn't be a short-lived encounter like Nero's scenes. I had to consider the potential for reusing Liz and Kirito in this context.

Regarding the previous preview CG (to clarify, it was indeed Inoda's fantasy), it created unfavorable expectations. However, I couldn't deliver it on Thursday, and that's my fault. Starting from the next update, I will consider increasing the progression speed between Inoda and Asuna and introducing more engaging gameplay for Kirito himself.

Lastly, a plea:

Publicly sharing content invites criticism and suggestions, and I was not closing the comment section because people were hurling insults at me. It's impossible for me to cater to every fan's taste, and there will always be controversy surrounding the storyline. Feel free to discuss it among yourselves, but please refrain from attacking each other 
















One more thought of mine: Although I've seen some people disagree with me on this, personally I'm not a fan of Inoda stealing all the girls in Kirito's life (I confess I wasn't a big fan of him fucking Asuna's mother, but it's something that I'll have to learn to accept it, since it already happened). I think I would be fine if Inoda at some point started fucking Lizbeth together with Asuna, but I would add just her to Inoda's fun (And Asuna should still be the main girl and biggest obsession for Inoda). I think an ending where Asuna leaves Kirito to become Inoda's girlfriend and Lizbeth takes the opportunity to steal Kirito, but is shown to occasionally cheat on him with Inoda, would be nice (In this situation I would like Inoda getting to fuck Lizbeth at some point, I think that could be a great ending. But that's just me, I'm just sharing my thoughts here in case someone agrees and sees value in some of them).


I agree as well, I am also not a fan of one guy steal all the MC's people.


It might be a good idea to take a break from this project and start working on mini projects instead. I know you gained a lot of popularity as a result of this series but tunneling into it isn't a good idea. You are skilled as a writer, there is no need to limit yourself to one project. Just work on some new projects to experiment and see how the community feels about it.

神 秘
