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Update contents:
1. Modify the setting in CG room, player can choose to blur the scene in different degree.
2. Add battle cg in CG room and Asuna's POV.
3. Add Lisbeth's event with Inoda in CG room.
4. Investigation in dark street event.
5. Contents of Sunday


BUG反饋請在專門的帖子下。ver0.15 已降为1$
If you find bugs please comment on the bug report post. version 0.15 has been accessible for 1 dollar.


Load the first save can skip to Saturday


最後,祝各位聖誕快樂! (東京的聖誕本來想出去看看現充的節日,結果還是沒擠出時間...)
And, Merry Christmas!


English version:





Merry Christmas! Thanks for the update!


Thank you, Fujino, for the Christmas gift in the shape of the update. It has been a great gift. The new story and CG were great, my favorite was the one with Asuna and Lizbeth together at the KTV with Inoda. This being said, I believe you did not have to make a release just for Christma’s sake, do not get me wrong, I enjoyed the update. However, the new content left me with a great deal of questions and some potholes. Also, the message at the end from you left me feeling that you pushed yourself to have something done. The message at the end from the chicken left me thinking that maybe you can try to extend the update cycle to 2 months to ensure you have enough time to sort all the stories, CGs and events in order. If you will, this can also be used as an experiment to determine if the 2-month update cycle can offer more benefits for you as a dev and us as an audience when getting to play the game and enjoying the content. In terms of game mechanics, I would say you can stick with what is already in the game without adding more. I am not a big fan of mini-games that will put the story progression or events/scenes behind a wall until they are cleared. If the mini-game is easy enough or can be avoided, then that is more than enough for me. The suggestions that came to mind are that there needs to be a better balance between direct scenes and indirect scenes, as well as between different perspectives from different characters. In terms of story, I would love to see a betrayal plot taking place in the underground town that involves Klein or Alice. Here I am thinking of a scenario where Klein somehow manages to get into a relationship with Alice, only to be cucked by Alice behind his back with some shady characters from the underground town in the game and in reality. Maybe somewhere towards the end of the game Klein can discover that he has been cucked like in his AVs, or just buy an AV with Alice in it and not realize it. Another scenario is where Klein betrays Kirito with similar results, where Klein gives Kirito an AV DVD with Alice or other girls that he has fun with.