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Sorry for the late post, while working for the next update, I want to collect some suggestions from this simple poll, feel free share your opinions.



The everyday clothes and gym suit of Alice.









Honestly, I want a slow story but I want the cgs to be plenty aswel. The mind and body want something equal, if you know what i mean. 正直、ストーリーはゆっくりして欲しいけど、CGもたっぷり欲しいです。私の言っている意味が分かるなら、心と体は同等のものを望んでいます。 Translated with google translate, so I hope it's decent.


Can you do a futa on female ntr with one of the girls? Maybe with Suguha or Shino? Also that man with Suguha right now yeah I want him gone, I never like the ntr with those types that never take responsibility you know, makes me sick.


I would like slow burn with Inoda/Suguha/Asuna and Kirito :)


A slow burn will be the best. What do you mean by having Habishima kicked out ? Kicked out of the game/story altogether or kicked out of the house in the game ?


It seems to be a recurring suggestion among players but, a slow burner story with hopefully longer cg's and more detailed dialogue in them (ending with a orgasm or some sort of decent closure to the scene). Also would like to have Inoda as the sole corruptor of the girls in Kirito's life. At the moment Suguha is taken but perhaps the playboy guy ( cant remember his name ) is taken by the police or has to go away and then Inoda steps in to corrupt Suguha while she struggles with not having the other guy around. Either way, great job and the pace of the story is looking good so far. watch out for your health too Fujino-san!!!!


I would love for Inoda to take all of the girls in Kirito's life, so yes. 我 希望井田能够带走桐人生活中的所有女孩,所以是的。


十一月的更新大约在什么时间点放出呀? 另外看到下半部目前这个先行版加了樱的内容是单纯彩蛋,还是希望做成个“浅上NTR宇宙”哈哈哈

梅西 黄

我还是希望剧情是慢慢燃烧的 但又希望cg不要少 如果可以的话可以减少除了亚丝娜之外角色的CG。专注于亚丝娜的剧情发展也会比较轻松

梅西 黄



I put that I don't want Hebishima to stay. But I think it would be hilarious if Inoda is able to steal Suguha from Hebishima is mainly why I would want Hebishima to stay. But yeah I want a slow burn, but I also want CGs. However I'll prioritize the slow burn, since that makes the CGs have a better pay off.


Idk how people want Hebishima gone. More NTR in the NTR game is always good and I've enjoyed the Hebishima content.


Never liked Hebishima. It would be interesting to let only Inoda slowly corrupt main heroines.

Zeuz V.

I mentioned it before, more male characters, not everything for Inoda. new and nasty guys who corrupt the girls. janitor, director, doctor, store owner. old men, fat men, ugly men, fat old bbc. more corruption!!




Since in this second game Inoda already has a more developed relationship with Asuna and she is also more corrupted, I would like to see Inoda being more bold and using his dick more in the battles when he is sneakily taking advantage of Asuna. I think the only moment where he used his dick in the first game, while taking advantage of the situation, was when he made Asuna give him a handjob while Kirito was blind (There were also those scenes of the sewer's boss battle, where Inoda also used his dick, but I'm not counting them here because that was more of a special event).

Adam Vialpando

I hope there's more choices for Kirito to not enjoy being cucked. For me NTR loses a bit of appeal when the cuck enjoys being cucked. I prefer when the MC either gets cucked without finding out while his girl laughs at him and his tiny pathetic dick or else the bull teaches him what a loser he is and he feels despair over how he is not a real man.


About Hebishima, yeah I never get to like him much as an antagonist. I don't know exactly what it was about him that made me not a big fan, maybe it was this "playboy who is popular with the girls" style of villain that was never one of my favorites types in NTR, anyway the point is that his role isn't really working for me in the game.


Although maybe the thing with Hebishima, just let the main NTR guy do the NTRing? So Inoda would get Suguha. Just have Inoda corrupt everyone.


I think they just worry about Hebishima taking “screen-time” from Inoda. I think it’ll be good either way, but that’s probably the thinking.


Definitely looking forward to a realistic slow burn, so thanks for including that in the poll. I’ve always liked that in your stories. And as I mentioned there as well: It would be amazing for the rpg elements where the girls change the way they behave in battles depending on how corrupted/ntred they are, not obeying command to heal mc for example, instead healing Inoda, or refusing orders, or even sending debuffs to mc by "mistake".

Adam Vialpando

This seems like a great idea. Maybe dropping some little comments too like "Sorry Kirito, I just thought Inoda had much more stamina and strength than you that he deserved to be healed much more".


Yeah! Like letting Inoda get the spotlight as the “hero” defeating the enemies since all the girls start buffing and supporting him in combat and debuff Kirito.


I think that if you have a lot of characters it's difficult to handle all of them in the long run, I would like you to focus on the main ones... maybe maximum three characters... But in the end I'm here for Asuna and Inoda, as long as you keep those two, I'm here all the way! My suggestion is focus on what you wanna do, It's okay to check for opinions, but I think if you start try to make everyone happy, it's not gonna end well, gl, I'll be looking forward to your work! PD: Take out Hebishima! hahaha


Fast paced and a lot of NTR scenes, imo. But the dreams (or nightmares?) of Asuna having sex may be a good alternative for the various kinds of preferences...


This poll should have been supporters only. Too many loud people trying to dictate what a game should be without spending a cent on it.

Lord Blackstar

Agreed hell i sort of could understand if they at least supported but he's taking his time to make sure the game does not end up with a sloppy ending and i grantee most of the votes are coming from the unsupportive whiners that found the poll on F95

Lord Blackstar

never understood why people like spreading it around Mabey i just like it when the dude is selfish and wants it all. Im not trying to be rude when i ask this because Im genuinely curious but Why.

Lord Blackstar

ye i prefer it when its just one guy instead of one guy and a bunch of one main guy and a bunch of randoms that no one cares about

Lord Blackstar

The Most Important thing you need to do is TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF even if a bunch of people want stuff from you. You still have your own personal life and our wants should never take priority.


I wouldn't like to see Hebishima gone, I liked how Suguha slowly gave up on Kirito, I think his character would be well utilized if their story developed into more feelings involved instead of just plain fuckery. And the idea of a single unattractive guy getting all the girls out of nowhere seems too much unreal to me. But I agree this should be a closed pool for supporters only, as it seems the link was leaked on a piracy site.


The survey can be manipulated as you can solve it multiple times. I recommend you just make a survey here on patreon, even though you aint got that many options. Cheers!


Also a good point, I didn’t even release it could be sent again until you told me, lol.


Eh, diss on f95 a little I guess, but that's where I found this guy's games and now I'm here! F95 best lewd game demo site fight me.


it's better for Fujino to keep balance with a good story so everyone would be happy at the ending and not to hear everyone's wish

Chris W


Zeuz V.

Cuz is a game? and im not inoda. It's my way of thinking, you don't have to like it.


I'm fine with whatever, as long as it's quality NTR action + Asuna sexsu with any and all chars :S




我的建议是调查问卷就当做是一部分建议 别当做工作主要方向 评论里大部分写的之后剧情大纲只能当建议 还是按照自己的剧情节奏走吧 这慢热节奏挺好的


别因为太多评论想要更多cg就放弃了 合理的逻辑和慢热的节奏


慢热可能不太恰当就是别太仓促和失智 part2加的路人评论和背景主人公旁白很有亮点和新意 望保留并多做文章 剧情方面不想想其他评论一样过多干预作者创作,按着自己思路来就行


I agree. If Inoda starts sleeping with every girl, than what is the point of him trying to steal Asuna from Kirito? I just want more Asuna x Inoda. And when Kirito starts figuring out what is going on, make it happen inside the game first, then slowly bring it outside.






add more levels on patreon ?






Speaking the truth lol, how I found Fujino way back before when he was making the sewer scene. Been a supporter since.






Is there a scheduled date for the next update?


Sorry for no exact date at present, I will make it within November


okay, just one more question, in the previous post you said you would show how the progress is, in this case would it be this post from Alice?

as li

中旬有机会更新吗? 🤤


加油啊 期待快点更新

