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Hello bast*rds, I have these two drawings ready to share, but I haven't uploaded them since they are lolis and I don't want to have problems with daddy Patreon, that's why I haven't shared them. So this past few days I've been learning to use Discord and working on making a server so I can share these types of drawings without risking Patreon being closed (since this is what I do for a living thanks to you). I also want to join discord so we can stay more in touch and share more as a community.

As soon as the server is decent, I will share them with you so we can chat in Spanglish. That's right bast*rds, I'm going to teach you to speak Spanish 🤣😝😎



Billy Gunn

Please make a server


A server would be good with proper management.

Ars Gratia Artis

Spanglish? Does that mean instead of giving you 80 Dollars U.S., I can give you 80 Pesos? LOL