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Hello there Everyone
As you know, NSFW art is always leaking in internet, so many ppl suggested me to try new strategys to keep my art safe before I release it:

I wasn't sure to do this at first time, butI think it'd help me to get more patreons and stop the anxiety of leak my art.
The art will be released each 2 month, ppl here will always have priority c:

+18 monthly animations would be send to you personally:
Any time I finish a monthly animation I'm going to upload the thumbnail of it asking ppl who pledge 5usd to send me a message to get it.

I think is pretty unfair for u to support me and see my art being leaking in other websites without my permission.
If someone has ideas and suggestions to keep my art secure I'm all ears!
Thanks so much guys!



Rush S. Moonshine

I love your work, but sometimes I see most of your posts ending up on e621 here and there along with another artist's work before you post it up here. I already made a $5+ pledge just now, by the way.


Hola, si este definitivamente es un tema, quizás seria bueno alguna pagina que armes, con Login, y que los archivos no sea clicleables, pero siempre estara el screenshot, lo otro es hacer un canal de discord y subir ahi tus avances. Tambien podrias hacer early access, ya que en cierta medida es cierto que no se puede proteger mucho el trabajo autoral, pero si puedes ofrecer que los Patrons sean los primeros en verlo, dandoles la exclusividad. Tambien poniendole una marca de agua, con tu firma y promocionando tu patreon, podria ser incluso hasta promocional. Son las ideas que s eme ocurren. De momento yo lo hago usando una apgina especial, que solo los patrons pueden acceder con un pass que doy, pero eso no evita que algun patron pueda descargarlo y subirlo a otro sitio. Pero mientras tenga tu firma, no deberia ser mayor problema. Saludos y Exito


I hate it when someone steals my stuff, I hear ya diives


Can you send me the full gallery please


Hi, you can send me the full gallery please?


May I please get the discord link


Me suscribi al de 5 dolares pero no Me deja mandar mensaje


Si me enviaste, pero me salia que no estabas suscrito, intenta en un rato cuando se actualize tu estado


There is a site called U18 with a lot of leaked art from Diives, basically over 10 Animations with the text "Not released yet".


I just pledged today how can I get the animations from you


I completely agree with you that art should be displayed without your permission, so I hope you know I won't break your vow if I pledge you.


Sorry I meant to say shouldn't Instead of should, on a phone here lol!


all hail the pledge :P x everyone pays because they love your work sod the gts that leak it im still paying for it rather thn lookng around for free one's. :) keep up the good work x


Around Gelbooru there’s a thread with a LOT of your unreleased pieces.

Man Hass

honestly, I don't see my own participation as that direct of a transaction. I pledge at the $5 level to support you and your creations, not to be a customer. with that being said, it is your art and it is your right to decide how it is distributed. emailing seems like its going to be a hassle (its my first month here) but I can understand wanting to preserve the value of a donator.


1 im new soooo work with me here. 2 how do i pledge and stuff. 3 can i make a NSFW request??


I've supported you in the past and will likely do so again in the future, and while I don't spread your unreleased art around as a show of respect... no, I can't say I take it personally when other do this. That would imply I take some sort of weird concept of ownership over your stuff when I'm granted exclusives access. In fact it's nice to see more people able to appreciate your stuff, so yeah, sorry if my attitude about this isn't "correct"? But I'll always encourage them to donate for it, simply because I feel you deserve compensation.


I do think you're overthinking this crap though. Maybe talk to Fluff-Kevlar about it? I don't know him personally, but he seems to have the right attitude about all of this from what I've seen. Sounds like you could use some perspective. If you keep a positive attitude about this, that's how you can ensure the largest number of people who are going to pay you, will in fact do so. On the other hand, making the process more complicated is going to backfire, hard. It's no secret that CONVENIENCE is the key to beating piracy (to the extent that it can be beaten).


Let me first say, phenomenal Keep up the good work. And no worries about privacy I'll keep it between me and myself only :)


Hey Diives, i sent you 2 emails before reading this, please ignore the first one in which i requested videos, im already late soo dont send me shit, love you!


Hola, hablo con el creador de estos fantásticas animaciones, estoy interesado en ver que materiales y programas informáticos usa para la creación, espero respuestas 😊


Lo digo porque se me da muy bien el arte gráfico y la animación...😊


just became a $5 tier patron, im having issues connecting to the discord. is there a way to get an invite to it?


Also want to comment that Discord seems a bit buggy


So, I have to wait 2 months from now to get the folder with the content, and I just became a patreon today (December 8th)....its gonna be 30 more dollars F


Isn't there a way to get the folder without wait or waste in 2 months more??? I don't have much money.....

Jimminy Cricket

I'm on the $5 tier, but cannot connect to the discord, is there any resolution available?


i don't have access to the discord either


Isn't 2 months a bit much? Wouldn't it be better to wait 1 month before uploading them in your galleries?


Sounds fair. The other thing I've seen artists do is set up a password-protected archive/tumblr, and give out the password to patrons who've cleared payments. The password changes each month, and ensures only those who WISH to see NSFW will see it


Idk how you'd stop it the problem is even if you do a 2 month thing they'd still get it and post it somewhere :/ people don't want to pay for good stuff which is sad I understand money but still support the Art maker


Sure it is, but thats a reason of why ppl should try to be my patreon, to dont wait to much--


Yeah, I think is almost impossible stop it but this is the less I can do to fight it, at least they wont have it easily. Hope I can think in other ways to make it more secure


Un poco molesto, pero se hace lo que se debe...!


One site such as e621.net You can have the mods take those leaked art down in a heartbeat


Uploading one NSFW every second month wont fix the problem, it'll just take longer for them to leak it. Also, seeing as your SFW art is free, we're not getting anything for 6 months of the year we're supporting you for. Personally sending us the NSFW monthly artwork sounds like much more efficient fair choice, if, it is possible to do so.


Nice, i technically just add them to a drive and upload the link, cuz well, not everyone likes nsfw arts, so for those who want to see it, theyll have to go to the link to be able to see it, if people dont wanna see it, they wont, they will just see the name and the link ^^


I don't think sending the files out separate will solve anything, the issue with patreon is that the actual source file of the image isn't protected and anyone who follows you can share it with anyone. Sending out the files to people personally wont stop whoever is leaking them from taking the link you gave and just posting it again


e621 its okay, but there are other websites that doesnt care about it


Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree here, it'll be a huge hassle for you, and whoever shares your work won't stop regardless. There isn't really an asshole-proof method when it comes to that stuff, sadly...


Ok before I jump in on this...Clarify...The release every 2 months thing... Does that mean we only get to request seeing a piece of your 18+ art once every two months? Or does it simply mean we don't get to see it until two months AFTER youve created it?


The discord is not working


Can i get a invite to discord plz

Majestic Catfish

How does the discord and patreon link


Alright bud, I'll this is going to be interesting all on its own. Seems fair enough, and I get where you're coming from.


All I can say is I'm sorry cuz I'm guilty of downloading those leaks. But I'll be pledging $5+ from now on :3


I can't afford the 5 this month, any way I can get the previous content through email


I suppose the perks are only for the month? I haven't been using Patreon for long.


I think it’s wrong to steal peoples art


Hey, I'm considering pledging for a month since I don't have all that much money. But I want to support you and get your art the fair way, because I love your art alot. My question is, can I cancel the pledge so it doesn't continue payments over the following months? And is your art available to download as a patron?

Nao Nakashima

Actually, you can't do anything with it. If you post something on Internet - it will be leaked and published somewhere (if it is a good content). That's is how Internet works and you can't change it. If you want to sell your content and you don't want to anyone else to spread it, the one thing you can do - don't post your content on Internet at all, print your works and sell it (no animated gifs). Yes, it will be scanned and posted on Internet anyway, but it usually takes more time.

Nao Nakashima

> I think is pretty unfair for u to support me and see my art being leaking in other websites without my permission. Why do anyone care about it? If I support someone, I don't treat it like I buy something from this author. I don't care if I "pay" for this picture and someone will see it for free, I'm not selfish.


Stealing art is not a good thing but your art is still the best so keep up the good work

Metal Fox

You can use an internet program that runs only online without allowing downloads, like Sketchfab using unityweb. Otherwise you pry need to use a system like Steam or DLsite uses, that requires a login with a hash sync to your computer to view the product *DLsite uses 'CypherGuard'

Metal Fox

I was actually working on something for comics, that also includes Route options, in case you wanted the person reading to make choices for where the story goes.