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Here it goes a little explanation about it:

Every month I'm going toanimate the character of those who pledge on this system, doing different simpleactions (like walking, running, jumping, etc). Also, people can choose aspecific moodlike happy, angry, sad, etc.

The action of this month is: Free, but it needs be related to the halloween costume of ur character; For example: Gaghiel costume is a witch, and what actions do witch? Mix potions, fly in their broom, make magic etcChoose a funny costume for ur character and think something that would u like him/her to do this halloween!

Remember you can choose any mood you want*Just for October im going to sent animations before 31th so u can show to everyone ur character in halloween!"

The conditions are the following

- I will not paint or draw specificdetails like spots, tattoos, armors, mecha, etc.

- I will just animate the main action and draw important details.

- I'm going to need the character reference, a specific mood, a specific

reference if you have one (It’s ok if you don’t have one. I'll figure out how

to do it c:) and your patreon’s username for me to confirm the person who ispledging c:.

- If your character is too complex, I'll tell you to change it or simplifyit.

- People who pledge must send all the information asked to my email


- I'm going to send the files after the payment is done (6th of everymonth).

- If you want me to dont share it, please tell it to me c:

- It can be NSFW.

Thanks so much :D




will you do the same on Christmas? O.O