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Take this as a cautionary tale. Always wear your protection friends.

** PF Paris clashes documentary coming soon **


Shot with a rubber bullet in France

It sucks. https://www.patreon.com/popularfront #France #Paris __ HANRAHAN • https://www.jakehanrahan.com • https://twitter.com/jake_hanrahan • https://www.patreon.com/popularfront



That's a close call. During the COP21 protests in Paris, cops kettled a small group of journalists and very intensely pepper sprayed them. It was described to me by one the victims as being like the cops were very methodically painting them all over with spray. So, yeah, a fun story about Paris cops targeting journos.


Technically speaking not a rubber bullet - hence their statement I'm sure.

Martin Belderson

Just glad you're okay. Head and torso protection is vital for journalists if your job is to run towards trouble rather than away from it. Plus large white lettering front-and-back saying 'Presse/Press'.