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__ HANRAHAN • https://www.jakehanrahan.com • https://twitter.com/jake_hanrahan • https://www.patreon.com/popularfront



stay safe and healthy, thanks for the update!


Chill Jake!


Rest up man!


Take care man.

Martin Paridon

Yeah it sounds like granny advice but do take your body seriously. You might not notice that you work too much but your body will.


Stay safe and take it easy, appreciate all you do!


Glad you're doing what you got to do to make this sustainable bro. I want you to keep the the content coming for decades, you know!


Stay safe bro. I know Youtube sucks but can you upload the rest of the episodes there?


Open up a beer and chill out Jake you deserve a bit of break with the content you give!


Always grateful for the content but gotta have some time for yourself in between. Best in the long run, be well man


I always wondered how you could put up with such a pace, putting out so much content and managing all the social media interactions without buckling.


Take care of yourself mate! Too much stress and not enough rest really does a number on you, I'm still healing four years after hitting the wall. Go have a holiday, you need it.


Please take a break - we want you well

Riles Kiley

Get some rest man! You have so much content to keep anyone busy for awhile!

Riles Kiley

Btw love your room


Thanks for the update, Jake. Take care of yourself and get some relaxation in. stress and overwork are killers. Wishing you well always


I’m feeling burnt out too bro. Give yourself a little vacation. We all deserve to take breaks.

Benjamin Arndt

Judging but the amount of comments I'm seeing here, I bet it wouldn't be such a crazy idea to see if you could delegate some of the work to your community. It might be kind of cool to see if some followers might be wiling/ able to join your cause and help out. Take care homeslice.


You do great work and I look forward to it but your health comes first. Look after yourself, Jake!


I can only imagine how the hard work you do can be mentally and physically exhausting. Take care of yourself! Self care is important.


Hey man. Hope your health is on track. Will be checking back eagerly for an episode on this shit show in Afghanistan unfolding live before our eyes right now. 20 years of US efforts melting away in a f’ing week. Best to you. Dan, Boston USA