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Hi all. Just wanted to drop you all a line to say we of course will be covering the Israel - Palestine conflict. I would've preferred to do it sooner but everyone I wanted to speak to on the ground has understandably been extremely busy (or without power). For this I wanted to avoid speaking to people not on the ground first because it's such a chaotic situation. I've covered clashes there myself a few years back and it truly is an exhausting time for everyone down there.

We'll hopefully be doing several episodes on this, covering it from many different angels and speaking to different people. Don't worry, we're on it.

Hoping to get the first episode out this week. It will be concerning the initial spark that started a lot of this recent round of bombing, that is this Sheik Jarrah evictions. 

No doubt there will be rage and anger at how we cover this no matter what we do (it is impossible to not enrage people when covering this war) but it is what it is. At Popular Front we're of course not worried about making people mad. 

Have a good day.

- Jake



Martin Paridon

That's great to hear. Your reasons are understandable. Yeah it's pretty heated up and as an outsider is easy to be pulled in one direction. So I'm very interested in what will come from you. Because your stuff is usually relatively balanced and neutral. That's really valuable.


Yeah man take your time, looking forward to listen!


Just my opinion but since its not niche and underreported conflict, it would be understandable if you just “ignored” it and kept going with what you did, trying to bring attention to all those small and underreported conflicts in the world.


Won't hurt to hear from an objective voice on the ground though


Looking forward to your episodes on this Jake. It's unfortunate how toxic the discourse has become on this conflict from certain people who neither live in Israel or Palestine, so it will be good to hear from reporters on the ground.


Am genuinely looking forward to this man. I think your perspective is going to be a helpful compass here given how complex it is (and isn’t in some cases)


Thanks, Jake. Looking forward to your coverage.


I wonder if anyone really believes the concept of "peace in the middle east" is even a remote possibility ever. A large part of the world is endlessly praying for an incredibly bloody holy war labeled armageddon to arrive in the desert of Tel Megiddo in order to confirm their collective delusion. With that as the starting point of the Catholic and Christian faiths...well let's face it those are both death cults who think they are on a mission from "god" who are certain their salvation comes from stacking up dead brown people to the sky. The irony most of them if they met Jesus would ban him from their countries and/or shoot him is lost on them.