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Almost everyday I'm asked for advice from people who want to start out in journalism. Usually I say "don't bother", which sounds harsh, but I say that as a warning really. Journalism is a brutal and unforgiving industry that pays badly and is infested with nepotism. I've come to realise though that as the PF community grows, there are hundreds of people joining us here who've got incredibly interesting skillsets that are relevant to PF. Often self taught too. I figured that instead of being dismissive and being all "don't bother!", I might as well try to make something more constructive...

So, I've decided to build a very rough but hopefully useful series for the $10 Patreons (and above) that aims to essentially educate people on conflict journalism and everything in that orbit. I am 100% not advocating that anyone go to a war zone. Please do not. What I am doing though, is sharing some of the stuff I've learned over the years, and recruiting other PF people to share their wisdom / knowledge.

For example we will have a video showing how to properly use military satellite information for SIGINT stuff. We'll have a video showing how to get to grips with basic camerawork. We'll have a video showing you how to effectively geolocate. We're not acting like teachers or anything, but simply passing on information to anyone who wants to have it. We want to help out anyone who wants to learn I guess. Trust me it's going to be helpful for me too. 

The name of the series is "Too Cool for J-School" which is a tongue-in-cheek joke (that stiffs will no doubt get upset about) that's basically saying "look, you don't HAVE to go to journalism school to learn journalism". I never did. Many who will be featured in the series never did. Think of this as learning for all the misfits here. I hope it helps.

The first episode drops in two weeks.





Damn I'm gonna have to up my subscription for this one


Awesome idea

Tony Bin

Up the PF!


Sounds really nice man! Can’t wait and have to up my subscription now lol


Can’t wait!!


So excited about this. Thank you Jake.


Beautiful idea!


I want to learn how you write your script for podcast and pre record progress for interview


Love the idea brother! How will this be presented? Will there be any slides/presentation notes that can be downloaded for those who get onboard?