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It's been brought to my attention that a few of you are sending the bonus episodes around. One person (this prick https://twitter.com/vietmminh) is even advertising it in some places because "I don't like Jake Hanrahan". If you're such a petty and weak person that you think this is a good idea, I can't help you. But please just get fucked. 

For those of you sending an episode here and there to friends, please stop. This is how the balls unravels. Popular Front makes money via the bonus episodes, without the money I can't keep this going. If bootlegging gets bad then it'll all fall apart. If it all falls apart then Popular Front is gone. Cheers.



Dylan Myers

that fucking sucks. dmca?


Whatever Patreon / s doing this need to stop, you are damaging a thing you have invested in. Plainly idiotic behaviour, stopping fucking things up for everyone else.


tried replying to jake here but patreon is being a shit. Try this link <a href="https://help.twitter.com/forms/dmca" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://help.twitter.com/forms/dmca</a>


Literally no surprise it was a tankie