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I’m going to do a bonus episode soon that is basically a Q&A from Patreons. Please comment below with your questions and I’ll answer them and post up the episode.



What is the most scary experience you’ve personally had while in a combat zone?


Also what is your outlook on the war in Ukraine? any prospect for peace soon?


How broad do you plan the show to be; war and insurgency? organised-crime? People trafficking? How far back into history? Only current events?


Any plans to discuss the Uyghurs and the Chinese Government in a future podcast :)?


Any plans to look into who becomes a suicide bomber? (demographic, Indoctrination, Financial incentives , Moral justification)


Any plans to look into Chinese peacekeepers in Africa? - fled their posts and left weapons behind in Oct 2016


The competition between IS in Africa and AQ is a fascinating one. Sounds like they are rebounding. Particularly of interest is AQ’s group in the Mali area and Is expanding in Somalia.


What kind of unexpected/unusual people and things do you come across in and around war-zones?


can you elaborate on your eventual vision for popular front?


Who is your favorite journalist?


Keep them coming. Looking to record this today.


Great stuff so far. I've heard a fair bit about militias in the US, and how gun culture defines many of these groups. Do similar groups exist in Western Europe or anywhere else with relative political stability?


How much is the average non-combatant citizen's day to day life affected by the wars in the middle east? 9-5 as usual? Food shortages? Avoid certain neighborhoods? Checkpoints when driving?


It feels like the West is more politically and culturally fragmented or unstable than it has been in several decades. That said, the instability at the root of the Arab Spring revolutions and the various pockets of violence across the world seem a million miles away. I don't know how to structure this question, but how fucked does a country/region have to get before things actually go sideways?


Ok I recorded it today. Rambled a bit so it's like one hour long. Will upload for you all later in the week. Thanks.